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Thursday, September 30, 2004 :::

Goodbye Cruel World

I'm leaving for New York City in a few short hours and so I just thought that I would say that just in case I die in a terrorist attack or a random plane crash that you should all remember to vote Kerry and to memorialize me with granite sculptures and candlelight vigils. Just kidding. About the vigils, anyway.

I've started watching Lost on ABC these last couple of weeks, and the shows thus far have been eerily focused on plane crashes and such, so it's got me a little spooked, but whatever. It's a good show and I'm not one for superstition. Anybody else been watching? Last night's episode was a doozy.

Oh, and if my friend mo-mo has internet access in Brooklyn I'll try to post, but you never know with that guy.

::: posted by dan at 1:24 AM :: [ link ] :: (9) comments Social Bookmark Button

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It will be a long few days if no new posts are posted. I really hope Mo-Mo has internet access.

By Blogger Trekgeekscott, at 6:47 AM  

Geez, I am going to miss reading this if your friend doesn't have the internet. I just found your site (someone had emailed me the senior pics page) and it's such a good read when I get to work in the am. (You will be thrilled to know I have a poodle named Dan. LOL)

Have a safe journey and hurry back!

By Blogger walktrotcanter, at 7:52 AM  

Dan, I am sure your flight will make it home just fine. Geez, I hope my blog hasn't contributed to your flying anxiety. Airline travel truly is the safest way to go...just don't listen to the tv, or newspapers, or read blogs written by airline pilots and you will be fine!

By Blogger pierre, at 11:00 AM  

I watched Lost last night - kinda crazy but on my "try- to-catch-next-week" list. Have fun in New York - if they try to serve you the butterscotch pudding on the plane DO NOT EAT IT!!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:04 AM  

i am completely addicted to lost already and i really hope to stay that way. i pretty much think it kicks a whole lot of ass. and if anyone hasn't been watching, they're rerunning the first 2 episodes saturday night.

By Blogger Jaime, at 4:50 PM i thought that since i get lots of cool websites from your blog - i had to share this with you. (and i do realize that you dont know me)

By Blogger lauren, at 11:27 PM  

I didn't hear about any plane crashes happening this down, one to go!! While in Brooklyn, watch out for Rhoda Morgenstern. If you see her, tell her to get her happy ass back to Minneapolis!!

By Blogger Kiddo78, at 12:50 PM  

Back. Safe and sound. Nearly crippled from all the walking that NYC requires, but other than that I'm sound as a pound.

By Blogger dan, at 10:44 PM  

i was looking for the senior pictures, i was telling my friend about them and the glory of the railroad tracks...anyway, she swears it must have been her home town. so she MUST see them to prove herself!! PLEASE repost them!!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 PM  

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