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![]() Wednesday, September 29, 2004 :::
I think this speaks for itself: ![]() [FP] ::: posted by dan at 6:50 PM :: [ link ] :: (38) comments ![]() ![]() ![]()
38 previous comments: a preggy lady smoking! charming! But on a side note, living on bullitt avenue will give her low weight baby a decent porn star name. Fluffy Bullitt? Sparky Bullitt? Almost anything works well with Bullitt. By , at 7:13 PM I want to know if the reporter doing this story has the remotest clue about the stupidity of it? Seriously. If s/he doesn't, they really should go back to thier college and demand a refund. Or their boss should for actually running the story! By Colleen, at 10:28 PM Actually, somebody should just be fired. By Colleen, at 10:34 PM Forget the menthols and the jackhammers. I worry what effects a lifetime of mommy's bad fashion sense and unflattering haircuts will have on the poor bastard. By Jake, at 11:29 PM That is just wrong in every way...let's just hope she eats a green thing daily. Eat. Not smoke. And I'm assuming she will NOT be sporting a "Proud Parent of a Roanoke Honor Student" bumper sticker on her El Camino in about 15 years... By Kiddo78, at 11:51 PM Something tells me that any El Camino she has will be hocked for bail money long before there is a chance to apply any bumper stickers whatsovever, but that is a very good point, Kiddo. By dan, at 12:17 AM This makes me so angry I could just...ggggrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh. Jackhammers make her worry? Maybe if she went back inside and drank a liter of Jack she would feel better. By Trekgeekscott, at 6:48 AM Wait...what is she standing on? Is that a lawn? The whole thing is crazy-making. Have fun in NYC Dan. Don't forget to go to Chumley's. Elayne By , at 6:51 AM I'm still just trying to determine if her stare is "pensive" or "as soon as I finish this ciggie, I'm going to go kill that mo fo with the jackhammer"... By Will, at 12:04 PM I keep thinking those 3 cars are all going to run into each other.... By Bonnie, at 1:06 PM Just ignore the cigarette for a second and think about the horrific writing in this caption: "...worries about the effect on her unborn child from the sound of the jackhammers." WTF? What kind of editor does this paper have? A potato? Let's try "...worries about the effect of jackhammer noise on her unborn child." I hate poorly-worded stuff. And, smoking pregnant ladies. Well, not them, just the fact that they smoke while pregant. By , at 9:47 PM ummm, I'm a fool. I meant to write "pregnant," not "pregant." Duh. *slinks off to flog myself* By , at 9:34 AM But shouldn't she be worried about the effects of Lynyrd Skynyrd on the baby? By , at 3:03 PM Sorry but I saw this and coffee came out mah nose. By Superfancy, at 6:51 AM Well, I guess she is smoking for two... By Lubin, at 5:33 PM Shouldn't she worry about her first cousin being the father? By , at 6:07 AM She looks like Peanutboy's type of gal. By , at 11:10 AM It is disgusting how offensive the assumptions of your commenters are about this photo. I don't mind the ironic initial point, but based on a cigarette and an outfit, this woman and her child have been pigeonholed with some disturbing stereotypes. The closemindedness and pretension grew as I read on, and I leave sick to my stomach. And as an educator, I am so frustrated - judgements like these are what make people claim certain children are just unteachable. You have no idea based on a snapshot who she is and what she knows. By , at 10:41 PM I know one thing she obviously doesn't know: she is clearly unaware that smoking while pregnant will make you look like a complete jackass when published in a newspaper if you are worrying that the sound of jackhammers might hurt your unborn baby. That's for sure. No doubts about that one. By dan, at 10:49 PM The nervous school teacher overlooked one fact: we also know that she lives in Roanoke. By , at 12:17 PM Gee, gosh, what's that saying.....If it walks like a duck...and talks likes a duck... By SeattleCityGirl, at 4:07 PM Where are the jackhammers - in her house, across the street - maybe Melissa operates one herself! and she's just taking a smokko. There are powerlines everywhere too - she should probably worried about them giving sparky cancer!! By , at 5:29 AM Yawn on the smoking idiots - seriously, it is to laugh. I'm 29 and guess what - my MOM smoked while pregnant w/ me! Hey, I was just glad that she just limited herself to tobacco, LOL! Seriously, there are many docs who recomend that you just cut down and not quit while pregnant because of how stressful it is to quit. I have a cousin who's 10 who's mom smoked while pregnant as well. Life goes on folks and think about it - if this is all you have to complain about, consider yourself lucky! Crystal aka crysnyx@aol.com By , at 6:31 AM I say, some of you need to get a grip!....as a mother of two VERY HAPPY/HEALTHY boys (7&17) who have never needed any medical care (except a broken bone/sprain)in their lives and were born 2 weeks LATE weighing over 8lbs, and having smoked when I was pregnant w/both of them, just because it CAN be harmful, doesn't mean it WILL...just as you CAN get cancer from MANY things you eat or are exposed to in this world....I say, she is doing the best she can to "quit" and at least decreased her smoking so leave her alone... By , at 1:20 PM what a inconsiderate bitch!why cant she think of her unborn child? There are long term affects to a child who's mother smoked with them. And to the other woman that said her child was normal lets do some test experience's on you! I am a medical student there are many cancer and other medical problems a child will get later in life when they are exposed to cigarettes while they are in their mother's womb.To all the woman out there that are pregnant and smoke please stop.Study the findings they are really sad. By , at 5:14 PM I hate pregnant women that drink, smoke or otherwise show complete selfish weakness and destroy their child in the process. You need a license to drive but anything goes when another person's entire life hangs in the balance. These ignorant women should be sterilized after their first child. By , at 9:57 PM this is how it always is with these pictures on the internet...first its just makin fun and havin fun then some1 comes in and has to get all offended becuz some ppl were just havin fun with a stupid person doing something stupid...GET OVER IT By , at 4:29 PM She's not holding a cigarette. This has been said on millions of differennt webistes. It's just a line in the road. By , at 6:06 PM If it's a line on the road, where the hell are the other lines on the roads in the pic? I sure as hell can't see anywhere. Very coincedental that the one line on the road that is visible perfectly lines up with her fingers. Also, who the hell holds their hand like that whilst posing for a picture. And to the two ignorant mothers on here who smoked whilst pregnant and who thinks it's ok to do so, grow up and stop being so fucking selfish. No justification for risking your childs health like that. By , at 2:17 AM If it's a line on the road, where the hell are the other lines on the roads in the pic? I sure as hell can't see anywhere. Very coincedental that the one line on the road that is visible perfectly lines up with her fingers. Also, who the hell holds their hand like that whilst posing for a picture. And to the two ignorant mothers on here who smoked whilst pregnant and who thinks it's ok to do so, grow up and stop being so fucking selfish. No justification for risking your childs health like that. By , at 2:18 AM It HAS been said before BUT she should rather worry about the effects her smoking will have on her unborn child. Stupid bint ! By , at 11:32 AM It really pisses me off when a group of people poking some harmless fun at something on the internet has to get flamed by some one who claims they know more about it than we do. ok - heres something: It is a cigarette. You dont get single crooked lines in the middle of an intersection when there are no other lines on the road. WHO CARES if we are making unfair presumptions about this woman. she IS doing something stupid, and really, i think she deserves everything that has been said here. Anyone who smokes during pregnancy deserves to be hung upside down from a tree by their big toe. And dont say "My mother smoked during pregnancy and im fine" cause then we will be the ones laughing when you get cancer O.o By , at 4:59 AM Is it your body? Is it your life? What does that woman mean to you? Its none of your business what anyone does as long as it does not injure or impede you in some way. People have the right to do as they damn well please so get over it John Q. Public. Your so damn busy in other peoples business that you can't possibly take care of the shit in your own house. By , at 11:22 PM wtf stupid bitch needs a fucking slap and a reality check, poor fucking kid By , at 5:22 PM Ok, folks. This is a must- If you're going to act hard, AT LEAST try and SPELL shit right. I.E., " Is it your body? Is it your life? What does that woman mean to you? Its none of your business what anyone does as long as it does not injure or impede you in some way. People have the right to do as they damn well please so get over it John Q. Public. Your so damn busy in other peoples business that you can't possibly take care of the shit in your own house. " Let me shorten this down for one whole second- " Your so damn busy in other peoples business... " My so damn busy what? Exactly. Before you flame, learn to at LEAST grasp English. By , at 1:48 AM "Its none of your business what anyone does as long as it does not injure or impede you in some way. People have the right to do as they damn well please so get over it John Q. Public." There are a few things wrong with this argument. A. It's none of our business what anyone does, just like it's none of your business what we do. So if we want to post comments about a stupid lady, well, as you said, that's none of your business. B. People have the right to do as they damn well please. Apparently posting comments about a pregnant lady smoking does not fall under that umbrella of rights? People have the right to post whatever they want, so get over it. By , at 10:54 AM She should be more worried about smoking rather than the jack hammers. She is soooo stupid. By , at 3:38 PM is nobody getting JACKHAMMERS? I'm LOLing my ass off and everyone's stuck on the cigarettes. By cloud9ine, at 10:39 PM < Back to Blog |
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