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![]() Thursday, September 16, 2004 :::
Running for Fulton County Supreme Court Judge? Looking for votes? Why not take off your shirt and troll for votes at the gay pride parade, like this guy? ![]() Oh, but you see, it wasn't pandering. He claims he simply removed his shirt after someone spilled a drink on him. Sounds reasonable enough to me. You can't expect a guy to campaign in a dirty shirt! Man, was I being unnecessarily cynical! "There were a lot of catcalls and whistles. He was definitely trying to create the environment of being a circuit boy.” It's a good thing he's so dreamy, because the horrifyingly pathetic thing about this circus: the dude's hired political consultant is the former president of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which supports a constitutional ban on gay marriage. ::: posted by dan at 1:54 PM :: [ link ] :: (33) comments ![]() ![]() ![]()
33 previous comments: Gay and marriage do not belong in the same sentence. But damn, I just did it. Oh well, it aint marriage if they are the same sex. That is called perversion. By , at 3:26 PM Wow. You're just throwing yourself into the flames with that comment on this liberal site, aren't you? (pun intended) You're the reason I believe in Darwinism- weed out the stupid. As for the "candidate," campaigning for the bench is typically frowned upon and, in some cases, illegal. By hot babe, at 4:21 PM You know what two words don't belong in the same sentence? "Church" and "state". Unless you're putting a "separation of" in front of them. Take your self-righteous misguided morality and shove it. People should be able to marry whomever they damn well please. At least, that would be the motto on planet dan. By dan, at 4:39 PM You are probably right, gay and marriage don’t belong in the same sentence. I’m not sure that any self respecting homosexual would want to loan themselves to an institution that heterosexuals ran into the ground years ago. I keep hearing that we are a threat to the sanctity of marriage – does that mean if gays can marry, heterosexuals won’t be able to get “hitched” by an Elvis impersonator at the 24 hour chapel after a drunken night of partying in Vegas? Ah, stand back and smell the sacredness. By kirby, at 10:32 PM What are proponents of gay marriage bans and amendments trying to protect anyway? Gays being married wont hurt them in any way. No harm will come to society. These people already live together. It is just a simple ceremony and access to the same benefits that seperates them from heterosexuals. Marriage is, more often then not, unsuccessful now anyway with over 50% ending in divorce. No fear guides these idiots. They fear what they do not understand. They try to opress what they fear so they feel like they have power over it. What they do not realize is that either now or in the future enough people will become enlightened and gay marriage will be legal. It is only a matter of time. By Trekgeekscott, at 8:28 AM What are proponents of gay marriage bans and amendments trying to protect anyway? Gays being married wont hurt them in any way. No harm will come to society. These people already live together. It is just a simple ceremony and access to the same benefits that seperates them from heterosexuals. Marriage is, more often then not, unsuccessful now anyway with over 50% ending in divorce. No. Fear guides these idiots. They fear what they do not understand. They try to opress what they fear so they feel like they have power over it. What they do not realize is that either now or in the future enough people will become enlightened and gay marriage will be legal. It is only a matter of time. By Trekgeekscott, at 8:29 AM Hey everyone, This is the anonymous from the horse head pillow comments. I want to disassociate myself from the anonymous that posted earlier about gay marriage. It's anonymous’s like that that give anonymous’s a bad name. As for me, I went down to the courthouse in SF when they were issuing licenses to check out all the joy and I have to say, you'd have to be one cold-hearted piece of work to look at all those happy people and say "Evil people, you're all going to hell!!! Bwa ha ha ha." BTW, did anyone hear about that conservative politition who ran on an anti-gay platform but then got caught making a call to 1-900-Dial-A-Stud? By , at 10:58 AM I thought it was funny that the guy was so desperate for jokes that he took his shirt off at the gay pride parade, then claimed that someone spilled a drink on him. Let's talk about how funny that is instead. By dan, at 10:59 AM See, I don't actually see that as funny so much as I see it as sad. Very, very sad indeed. What I think is funny is he probably is a circuit boy. The University of Chicago actually did an extensive study on homophobia. There is a very direct correlation between intensity of homophobia and arousal by gay porn. Poor Rick Santorum; having to live his whole life in the closet. I weep for him. By , at 11:27 AM Oh my God Dan, what did you do? I want to laugh at wierd winter face mask hats and pictures of hot babe. Just so there is no confusion as to where I stand with this issue the one and only thing I am going to add to this craziness is I hate you,I hate you,I hate you anonymous.Why don't you post your name since you are so vocal on your sad little opinions. By Stacy, at 12:11 PM Ok so there was two people posting as anonymous, I think you hate the first person who said gays shouldn't be married. I just posted here for the first time yesterday. To alleviate confusion I now am not anonymous. By Asspants, at 12:45 PM No...you’re Asspants. I applaud your attempt at a redirect Dan. I think gays should have the right to be married, Jesus people are sort of dumb and I think it's time to Google "dance recital" again. By Kristina, at 1:18 PM OK, but where is the ORIGINAL Anonymous that is usually so annoying to me? Why are you choosing to side-step the more serious posts? You truely disappoint me. Kisses darling. By hot babe, at 3:09 PM This was not meant to be a serious post. Please stop referring to it as such. By dan, at 4:00 PM Tom Ford is in bed with the religious right and pandering for the gay vote? That's the first time I've heard of an asshole fucking a gay man. As far as the gay marriage issue is concerned: If our Jesus-loving politicians were truly in favor of "defending" marriage against the things that cheapen and weaken it, they'd develop a constitutional amendment against quickie marriages, divorce, spouse abuse and adultery (which is specifically banned in their precious Ten Commandments, where homosexuality isn't even mentioned). To even SAY that gay marriage is a threat to heterosexual marriage is to openly declare that you're just stupid and/or mean. By Jake, at 5:51 PM I am here. I've just been sitting back watching this all play out. Do you like my new name? I was tired of all the Anonymous aspirants. I chose it for the simplest reason. "Darwinism". I actually agreed with you, it made me laugh, and most people haven’t a clue what it means. But don’t get to swollen with pride, you still rank in the top 10 most annoying posters. But for today I will try not to annoy you. Now about this post, I was wondering if Mr. Ford simply poured the drink on himself? He is holding a seemingly empty bottle of water…Do all Judges look this lovely? By Formerly Original Anonymous/hot babes best friend, at 6:01 PM One more thing. hot babe, you are very observant in your ability to identify me. It is a compliment I rarely afford anyone. By Formerly Original Anonymous/hot babes best friend, at 6:29 PM But don't let it go to your head dear, you are no "Dan of PlanetDan". By Formerly Original Anonymous/hot babes best friend, at 7:59 PM To my new best friend, In the spirit of keeping with the pleasant tone for this short period, I thank you for your compliments. Be assured, coming from you, any compliment is not taken lightly, but I will keep in mind that I could never be "Dan of Planet Dan." As for knowing you from the other poser anonymous posters (say that five times fast), they lacked your playful yet intelligent & biting tone. That's how I was able to know they weren't the original Anonymous (now my new best friend). And do note, that a compliment from me is also rare, but don't let it go to *your* head. Kisses. By hot babe, at 7:34 AM O.k. hot babe & original anonymous poster & hot babes new best friend.... hot babes playful flirty side makes me want to vomit.Please,for the sake of Dan and my comfort with the natural order of things, bring back sarcastic,critical Hot babe it is only right. By Stacy, at 2:33 PM Don't worry, Stacy. My compliment to orig Anonymous/my best friend was just an anomaly. By hot babe, at 4:58 PM Honestly Stacy, why are you even concerned? Do you really think hot babe can manage a cordial affair for more than a moment? She'll be back to her old self momentarily, as will I. Relax, things will righted in your world shortly. My beloved Dan of PlanetDan, may I also post my thoughts on gay marriage, religion, and politics? I only feel it proper to ask... “Got thoughts?”… Just kidding. By Formerly Original Anonymous/hot babes best friend, at 9:38 PM No, but I like your new name. It rules. By dan, at 11:09 AM Dan- so you don't want my best friend to post his thoughts on the above topics. I guess I'll start calling you Stalin. By hot babe, at 12:08 PM Well, I will give my 2¢ anyway. I think given the choices and your huge following, Dan of PlanetDan you should run for president. We should just write him in on the ballot! Let's hit the campaign trail! I'll spill a drink on you so you can take off your shirt...you're a shoe-in. By Formerly Original Anonymous/hot babes best friend, at 9:27 AM Dan for Prez? I can't think of anything more disgraceful to our founding fathers. And, please, no spilling of anything on any clothing of Dan's. Let's stay fully clothed. By hot babe, at 10:32 AM My huge following consists of me, you, my family, stacy, and kristina. It's clear I couldn't even get hot babe to vote for me. But I'd kick Osama's ass! By dan, at 12:58 PM Dan for president....I don't like that idea,he would probably run things fine but political posts bore me to tears and being president I am assuming there would be less hind leg walking monkeys and more Bush details...actualy what is the difference?... HAHAHAHAHa I made a political joke get it? Not being able to tell Monkeys and president Bush apart! HA see I am smart enough for political humor after all. By Stacy, at 2:23 PM Hey, Mister Judge SIR! May I approach the bench? ON MY KNEES?!?? =) ... don't worry, this is none of the sundrie & previously discussed Anonymous-ites ... just a random lurker w/o a blogger account (yet) wondering where the hell this judge was when i had to show up for doing 70 in a 45 ..... suddenly community service has a nice ring to it. and BTW on the non-libidinal side of things, yes, he should totally drop the phobe & find a non-phobe conservative strategist for cripes sakes! uh, maybe try log cabin, who i usually loathe but perhaps would be right for this job, tho they've redeemed themselves of late by not endorsing the GOP candidate for the 1st time in their existence ... ok, i'll stop rambling now. nice planet, Dan. By , at 11:21 AM Am I only one who thought Tom Ford was the Gucci guy? I first thought, why wouldn't the designer of Gucci not being wearing a shirt in a parade...then I realized it was some boring closet case. I guess there is more than one Tom Ford out there. I for one would rather see the Gucci Tom in the Senate, because then perhaps it would be illegal to wear tassles on shoes or more than one pleat in your trousers. B*Dubb By , at 1:31 AM YAY Gay Marriage and YAY Direct Marketing!!!!! By amy leigh, at 11:32 AM That is so hentai dude http://badjojo.com By , at 7:48 PM wow..i love how personal and off topic this whole thing went! i am (i believe) the third anonymous [and only so because i dont have the patience to sign up]. this is the problem with politics, we cant actually decide on an issue without belittling our opponents. Guys, this isnt wrestling, you dont have to confirm that 'tha otha ones goin down, mofo!' because its just frivilous. personally for this issue, in todays world, brittany spears shaves her head and the whole country stops flat on its face. That significant event is worthy of making personal attacks over, this issue makes me cry to think that others cant experience the joys of marriage where they live (im canadian). and to hot babe - as annoying as the first anon might be, they let you comment your OWN opinions! thats the whole point, even if that persons opinions are that of a psychopath or rapist or conservative... moreover, it is with great pride that i tell this board that if you think 'gay' and 'marriage' dont belong in the same sentence, you better not be married, much less, be given the opportunity to do so. You cannot actually comprehend wether the two belong if you have no idea what it means to be gay, let alone one wishing to be married. if you can comfortably say this about homosexuals, you may as well be saying that little chinese kids dont deserve rights (much for the same reasons to deny marriage to homosexuals - religion, legal rule, cencus within the country, benefit to society, secured traditions...shal i go on? in any case, i think its best if you not only go talk to a gay person but view them as straight, and pretend, just for a moment that they are actually straight, then do they deserve it? for one measley little change? and ps i do know that this whole thing was not punctuated but if you actually want to hold this against me, re-read the section on personal attacks By , at 9:18 PM < Back to Blog |
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