Tuesday, October 05, 2004 :::
I'm not even sure which is a more depressing future to envision: four more years of Bush, or five more years of Jay Leno, who has finally announced that he will retire from the Tonight Show. In 2009. It must've been invigorating to waltz into his boss' office and shout "I quit in five years, bitches!" How triumphant. At least they've already announced that Conan will replace Jay, which is something to look forward to, considering how Conan just astutely referred to John Kerry's face as looking like a bloodhound's scrotum, while Leno's big laugh was a really bad Monica Lewinsky reference. Again with the Monica Lewinsky jokes? Talk about a day late and a dollar short. Catch up already. Jeesh. ::: posted by dan at 11:55 PM :: [ link ] :: (2) comments
2 previous comments: I hate monica Lewinski jokes almost as bad as John & Lorenna Bobbit jokes...He got what cut off? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Oh! too funny By Stacy, at 8:05 AM At least when I'm done with school & will finally have time to watch late night TV again, Conan will be running the Tonight Show. Whew, I was worried about that. And I thought Kathie Lee's farewell was the longest in television history. Guess Jay will own that record. By hot babe, at 10:15 AM < Back to Blog |
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