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Tuesday, January 11, 2005 :::

Puppies and Unicorns

My last two posts were borderline trashy, so I feel like I need to post something a little more wholesome as a way to cleanse the palette and bring planetdan back into the realm of good clean family fun. So here goes:

Oh wait, shoot, that's not gonna work. Ok, let's try this one instead:

Ahhhhhh, much better.

::: posted by dan at 10:54 PM :: [ link ] :: (11) comments Social Bookmark Button

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11 previous comments:

Both pics had weiners. Well maybe not explicitly, but in reference and inference.


he he

By Blogger BigDubb, at 12:05 AM  

I feel sorry for the dogs. Poor puppies.

By Blogger hot babe, at 7:09 AM  

do my eyes deceive me, or did some evil mo-fo actually tie those two snausages together in an attempt to make a doggie three-legged race? Wait, how many legs would that be?

By Blogger PeaceBang, at 8:51 AM  

No, I don't think they're tied together...just very determined to knock each other out of the way. Dumb dogs. Unicorn people are scary.

By Blogger Kiddo78, at 10:01 AM  

What happened to the guy puking on the local news? I can't find it on your site and I've told everyone (with a sense of humor) to check it out. There's plenty of other stuff to amuse people who have never been to your site before, but that clip was beautiful.

By Blogger Tsering324, at 10:39 AM  

Never mind, I found it :) Sorry for my last comment.

By Blogger Tsering324, at 10:42 AM  

Whew! I totally thought they were tied together for a 7-legged race. Now I'm not disturbed.

I find myself rooting for the puppy in the green due to the intense determination in his/her stare.

By Blogger hot babe, at 11:26 AM  

Yeah, but the other one is showing more hustle.

By Blogger denverboy, at 12:50 PM  

The blue guy seems to be trying to run the green guy of track. I gotta cheer for the green fella.

By Blogger hot babe, at 1:55 PM  

Those dogs need to stay out of the neighborhood where the beagle was found.

By Blogger stapler, at 4:28 PM  

I bet they would taste good on those JussiPussi buns, or look cute in them, which ever.

By Blogger Kristina, at 7:40 AM  

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