Wednesday, November 09, 2005 :::
Found online. If you understand this reference, please please please don't quote that "I'm all out of bubblegum" line. Please. [FP] If you don't understand it, start here. ::: posted by dan at 12:21 AM :: [ link ] :: (12) comments
12 previous comments: isn't that from a 80's horror fim? By , at 4:16 AM Heh, I loved that film - the best sci-fi movie starring a wrestler ever! :D By fishboy, at 6:31 AM I think i watched that movie 200 times in college. And I loved it every time! By , at 7:20 AM I was thinking the exact same thing the other day. By Colleen, at 7:29 AM How about the Southpark homage, "Cripple Fight"? By , at 8:37 AM This is Awesome. Especially since I am a sci fi nerd, anti-republican and semi wrestler turned actor fan. By Trekgeekscott, at 11:59 AM everything is illuminated. By Bewareoftheblog, at 1:33 PM I am a Republican, I love Sci-Fi, and this line IS a classic! Hear it here... By civilwar, at 2:12 PM Do these glasses not see though neck ties and shirts? By , at 8:13 PM Thanks, Dan - you reminded me to add that DVD to my Amazon wishlist. By sambeckwith, at 10:53 AM I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum -- and i'm all out of bubblegum !! That was awesome!! By , at 5:58 PM "They Live" directed by John Carpenter, 1988 -- starring Roddy Piper! Great film, check it out! By , at 11:55 AM < Back to Blog |
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