Tuesday, November 15, 2005 :::
I was consciously trying to avoid Gilmore Girls posts, just because my obsession has already been over-documented, but out of all the Halloween costumes I saw online this year, my favorite might be the Rory: I wish I knew this guy. As for tonight's episode, it was top notch, except I'm going to claim amnesia if anyone ever mentions the introduction of Luke's surprise 12-year-old daughter, otherwise regretful thoughts of jumped sharks and such might thrust me into a major funk. It all just smacks a little too much of cousin Oliver (or the red-headed southern-fried step-son on Diff'rent Strokes, says Brent). I'm just crossing my fingers that was an extended dream sequence and that Luke will wake up sweaty and startled in next week's opener. ::: posted by dan at 11:33 PM :: [ link ] :: (8) comments
8 previous comments: Or Chrissy from Growing Pains, Andrew from Family Ties, and Olivia on The Cosby Show. I am sure there are more, but gee whiz Gilmore Girls, what are you thinking? PS Favorite part last night was Lorelei calling Luke a drama queen. It was awesome. And the part with Emily almost made me cry. ALMOST. By brent, at 9:13 AM Yeah - GG needs to show more sweaty Luke. Preferably sans shirt... sigh By , at 4:04 PM Wow. That just sucked a whole bunch. I'm a huge fan of Gilmore Girls but came to the show late so I watch the series via DVD release and not on cable. So basically I'm a season and a half behind. Now I know Luke will eventually have a surprise daughter. Crap. Might want to warn of spoilers next time around. By Dollface, at 4:05 PM Whoops, sorry dollface. It was oddly not really handled as a huge plot development, if that helps at all. At least I didn't tell you about how Lane loses her virginity to Taylor. Kidding. That doesn't happen. By dan, at 4:36 PM cousin oliver was from "the brady bunch." i know what you mean, though. By , at 9:21 AM Jumping the Shark is ALLL over the place after the last episode. And yeah, you are the third person to mention Cousin Oliver. *sigh* We must just sweat it out. By elcynic, at 1:53 PM I'm a Gilmore Girls freak...there I said it. I can't beleive there's more out there. By Preston, at 1:08 PM I'm a GG fan too, I watch it in the morning, I watch it in the evening. I watch it on the WB, I watch it on ABC Family. By Preston, at 1:10 PM < Back to Blog |
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