Tuesday, December 13, 2005 :::
I tried to think back and reflect on the year in broad strokes. But this is all I can come up with that is worth remembering, in chronological order: February - Got Mono March - Turned 30, had a Fondu April - Saw The Decemberists in Concert, Scored a Tambourine May - Got My House Stuccoed, Spiraled into Debt June - Got Named One of the Country's Top 50 Bachelors by People Magazine. (Oh wait, that wasn't me.) June thru September - Clearly Did Nothing Memorable All Summer October - Attended a 70's Party, Wore Broad Leather Lapels in Public October - Visited Hawaii, Attended J-Ball's Wedding, Got a Monster Ear Ache October - Was Prince for Halloween, Took Too Many Pictures of It November - Got Invited to Ireland in Ought Six December - Nothing Yet, But I'll Let You Know if Anything Worthwhile Transpires Man, broad strokes are almost depressing. Not that I was hoping for much more, because honestly it was a pretty good year, and the fun parts are in the details. Plus, my site stats for Ought Five are much more optimistic: I can't account for the latest spike in popularity, but I like the trend. I'm seeing big things in '06. ::: posted by dan at 9:31 PM :: [ link ] :: (16) comments
16 previous comments: You should chart the number of days you were sober. Oh wait, you wouldn't have anything to chart. Recommended New Years resolution, take each day one drink at a time. By , at 9:41 PM Methinks someone is bitter because they don't have as much fun as Dan. Hey Anon, here's a recommended New Years resolution for you: Grab a life and take your bitchy comments elsewhere. I'm sure www.alcoholics-anonymous.org would love your witty commentary. By , at 9:52 PM Wow. Nice stats. I think I'm gonna give up my blog. The number one reason people visit is a google image search for "man panties". Not "panties". No no, "Man panties". Oh and "bra boys" that's number 2. That's way to many pervs knowin' too much about me n the fam. So now you're gonna get lotsa hits. By Colleen, at 10:09 PM Oh and I concur with dani By Colleen, at 10:12 PM I'd say knowing (and having phtogoraphy of the ass of) a triple hommicide killer has to figure somewhere in that year review...unless it is a common occurence in the life of dan. In which case, wow. That's a crazy planet you live on. By , at 11:56 PM Oh I forgot about the homicide. Hmm, probably not one I want in my history books though. Having just posted about panties myself, Colleen, I'm a little worried that I might suffer the same fate, but I already get a brazillion hits a day from people searching for "whale penis". By dan, at 12:05 AM I know I'm a nerd, but I bet the plateau in August is due to more people being on vacation from work that month. I'd love to see your stats reflecting weekday vs. weekend traffic. I'm really a nerd. By Laura, at 12:27 AM I can't believe you left out the visit from Uncle Ray. It was certainly ranked up there with getting mono and a monster ear ache! By billthecatlives, at 4:28 AM I guess I've been reading you since June - Jason Mulgrew had a link to you when he got into People, or whatever it was. I started reading your blog, and stopped reading his. Yay Dan! Laura - I rationalised the August dip in the same way! By alivicwil, at 4:34 AM Geesh. If I'd of known you were famous... or whatever... now I'm all intimidated by you. By the way - I'm getting confused by all this "anonymous" posting. Is it one anonymous or more than one - or is it one with more than one personality. Someone wanna clear this up for me? By elizabeth, at 11:34 AM You were actually invited to Ireland in December; you’re going to have to come up with something else for November. Oh…I know, you got the highest score ever in Sexy Scrabble, oh wait, that was me. By Kristina, at 12:10 PM I think the spike in the chart is on account of your great muscial play list! By , at 4:07 PM ...and to think I got really excited when I banked 20 hits a day. This really puts my blog's suckiness into perspective. By Alicia, at 7:17 PM Hmmmm...I'm pretty sure I visited in September. How strange that it didn't make the radar. You must have delerious with all the fun you had and forgotten all about it;) (even though I hate ;), I feel it was needed there) By lynne, at 8:48 AM It is obvious why Dan's blog is so popular. It is because everyone wants to see if and when he will come out of the closet and stop drinking himself to death. By , at 7:25 AM well... i have to admit i get bored at work ,and went over your archives for a couple of weeks in november. so you're welcome. By Sarah, at 5:55 PM < Back to Blog |
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