Thursday, December 29, 2005 :::
I came across this image a couple days ago and I'm speechless. Such exquisite craftsmanship. Such sophisticated beauty. Such tacky subjects. [FP] See More of these, because you know you're looking for ideas. Of course, this made me curious and I had to go and do an image google search for "fingernails" to see what other grotesqueries might exist out there. Yikes. Between these and gem sweaters, you could create a beast to rival even the most hideous Homeric creation. ::: posted by dan at 7:49 PM :: [ link ] :: (16) comments
16 previous comments: I appreciate all the new posts, but they could have come a little earlier in the day, I actually had to do work. Thanks Dan. By Kristina, at 5:09 PM lol... i second that. I have been reading stuff from years ago cause i was waiting... ;) By sarah, at 5:58 PM You just can't resist blogging queer stuff can you. But what else would you expect from a drunken faggot! By , at 6:59 PM How many fingers does that lady got? By Kristina, at 8:51 PM I am a little ashamed to say that I would totally get those Simpsons nails done myself. And what is that dolphin made out of--Shrinkydinks? By cubicalgirl, at 9:46 PM Also, how do these women wipe their asses? By cubicalgirl, at 9:47 PM The RC Cola nail is a personal favorite. All she needs now is a Pabst Blue Ribbon and maybe a National Enquirer nail. By Elle Marie, at 10:18 PM Goldfish. The snack that smiles back. By dan, at 1:17 AM what's up with the drunken faggot comment? what a douche. anyhoo, thos pictures creeped me out. although the simpsons nails are pretty rad. i bite mine all the time so i don't know what it's like to have long-ass nails. and, yeah, how the hell do they wipe? By Honey Bunny, at 9:12 AM Uh, I'm with Kristina here. The top picture has eight fingers. And I can't really call it a hand. More like the gnarly claw of either a really tanned old lady, or someone with carrot fingers. Why wouldn't they make special nails for the thumbs? Are they not important enough? Thumbs have feelings, too. By Alicia, at 2:34 PM Have to do another post. Just checked out the other pictures, and what the hell. Why would you scare me like this? The donald duck lady, her pinky nail WRAPS AROUND HER FINGER! And that Sesame Street picture made me throw up a little. Who are these people that have such horrible taste, and who in their right mind would put a DOLPHIN on a nail? By Alicia, at 2:39 PM Do corporations pay them to humiliate themselves this way? By Twinmama, at 10:20 PM They must not do the thumbs? By vespabelle, at 1:51 PM SpongeBob got a thumb. The Dolphins got a thumb. And, Bedazzled nails got both thumbs. Maybe I just see thumb people. By Michelle, at 4:50 PM Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! By , at 11:13 AM I'll give you bitches the facts: if not photoshopped, the fingers are WAX dummies...and about the thumbs: how're you supposed to wipe your......creepy technique!! By , at 4:30 AM < Back to Blog |
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