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![]() Sunday, December 04, 2005 :::
Cherry Nut invited me to her work's annual holiday function last Friday. I've attended the same party for the last four years now, either as her date or K-Mack's. Free drinks + free food + good people = yes please. Cherry Nut won an award for outstanding service and dedication to her company which came with an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Ireland. She hastily invited me on the trip with her, but the amount of wine that had been drunk pre-invitation made me skeptical that it was sincere or that it would be remembered, so I made her repeat the invitation when her elusive sobriety returned. K-Mack's fella also won a trip, so it looks like we'll all be visiting the rolling green hills of Ireland come January. It's true that I wanted to vomit from excitement, but for the record it was not me who threw up in the mens' room urinal. ![]() To celebrate, I loaded up on more wine and mashed potatoes at the ![]() What is that white glare on my face in all those dance floor pictures? You might guess that it's a reflection on the camera lens, or that some of my mega-pixels are wonky. But nope. It's just the camera flash reflecting in the glistening, dance-induced sweat that was literally pouring from my brow. In retrospect, I may have celebrated a wee bit too hard on the dance floor. Save it for Dublin, dan. Of course, they probably don't play Love Shack there. And thank god that Cherry Nut can't work a camera when she's over-imbibed, because she almost caught my cringe-worthy dance performance on video. But that's a beautiful singing voice you got there, Cherry Nut. At the after-party bar, my friend T-Bone showed up, traded his shirt for some lady's fluffy scarf, and stumbled back out into the cold Minneapolis night. I'm not sure who got the raw end of that deal, but I don't care, because I'm going to Ireland. Thanks Cherry Nut! Although, it's kinda not fun to tell people you have been invited on a free trip to Ireland, because it makes everybody hate you. Here's lotsa pics of the night, if you care. You can thank me for deleting the picture I took of the vomit-filled urinal. ::: posted by dan at 10:38 PM :: [ link ] :: (33) comments ![]() ![]() ![]()
33 previous comments: I can't get over how cute you are in these photos. I'd invite you to Ireland, too, if I got a free trip. By , at 12:28 AM you are such a celebrity! we don't have them fancy gigs in alabama! By Kim, at 4:01 AM Ireland, West Virginia? Too bad you will miss the Irish Spring Festival - March 16 -20, 2006, Irish Road Bowling, Snake Cases, an Irish Jig, Harp Workshops, Car Show, Arts and Crafts, Games Parade, Food, and much more. By billthecatlives, at 5:35 AM Where does Ms Gilmore work? A trip to Ireland for outstanding service? I give outstanding service and I'm lucky to get a thank you from my boss. By , at 8:00 AM oh man...seeing all those pictures makes me so excited to move to a place where people actually LIKE to have fun! a little over a month to go! i can't hardly wait!! (not like you care) By Honey Bunny, at 9:09 AM You're moving to MN in mid January??? Brrrr. Of course I care. By dan, at 9:26 AM Just make sure to order the colcannon with your salmon instead of a baked potato like I did. I was almost ordered out of the restaurant ... 1.Colcannon for 6 1 1/4 lbs. Kale or green Cabbage 2 cups water 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 1/4 pounds peeled and quartered potatoes 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 cup cleaned and chopped leeks white part only 1 cup milk, pinch of ground mace, salt and ground pepper to taste, 1/2 cup melted butter (use real butter) 1.simmer kale or cabbage in 2 cups water and oil for 10 minutes , drain , chop fine. 2.boil potatoes and water, simmer till tender. 3.simmer the leeks in milk for ten minutes till tender. 4.drain and puree the potatoes. 5.add leeks and their milk and cooked kale. 6.mix. add mace, salt and pepper. 7.mound on a plate and pour on the melted butter.Garnish with parsley. I have no idea of what mace is, well other then the stuff that makes the guys cry ... By , at 9:37 AM MACE: Description Both Mace and Nutmeg are derived from the fruit of the same tree, Myristica fragrans. Mace is the thin, bright red aril or lace-like covering over the shell of the Nutmeg. Its flavor is similar to Nutmeg but more delicate. Uses Mace is used in soups, cream sauces, lamb, chicken, potted meats, cheeses, stuffing, sausages, puddings, ketchup, baked goods, and donuts. It is used in French, English, Asian, West Indian, and Indian cuisines, and the spice blends garam masala, curry, and rendang. Origins The primary source of Mace is Indonesia. Historically, Mace originating from the East Indies has been considered premium due to its bold orange color, rich flavor and high volatile oil content. Mace produced in the West Indies is yellowish in color and has a milder flavor. Folklore Until the 18th Century, the world's only source of Mace and Nutmeg was the area known as Indonesia. When the Dutch took control of this area, Mace and Nutmeg were among the richest prizes. Knowing these spices did not grow elsewhere, they proceeded to establish one of the tightest monopolies the world has ever known. There is a legend that it was a Frenchman who started the erosion of Dutch control by smuggling seedlings out of the East Indies. True or not, it is a fact that a series of transplantings did occur and a number of other areas began producing these spices. By , at 9:52 AM Even with the sweat dripping down your face, you're adorable. You know, if I won a trip to Ireland, I'd take you too. Of course, the chances of me winning a trip to Ireland are pretty small where I work. Last month I was the Top Seller, and I won a fuzzy Tic Tac. Now THAT'S what I call motivation. By Alicia, at 10:07 AM You suck. Suck suck suck suck suckity suck suck suck. Free trip to Ireland...puh. Although you are quite dashing in your spensive suit. Is that o.k. for a sister to say?...hey I made a rhyme...Oh just shoot me now. By Colleen, at 10:08 AM picture #3 = largest glass of wine ever. no wonder you were dancing By hubs, at 10:08 AM You are an alcoholic. By , at 1:01 PM yes, dan. we're looking for an apartment for feb 1. we have no choice. the lease on our outrageously overpriced ($1,150.00/mo) 250 sq ft (read - teeny tiny) boston studio ends jan 31. the day after our place was robbed and they stole everything but the couch, our rental management co sent us a letter saying "hi! we're raising your rent to $1,200! respond by november 15th or you're OUT!" so we decided to move to the tundra that is Mpls. and even though i'm not looking forward to the extreme cold, we can handle it. and i CANNOT WAIT! (my hubby was born in st. paul and all his family are out there. and they rock.) glad you care :) By Honey Bunny, at 1:46 PM Luck-eeee! Hope you have so much fun! By Christine, at 2:08 PM Thanks a lot you bitches. When am I going to reap the benefits of a free trip from one of you jerks? Hawaii, Miami, Germany, Paris, and others I can't remember. I know K-mack only invites Dan cause he is her sugar daddy as she couldn't afford even a latte in the airport and he pays for everything, but C-NUT, what gives? Good luck getting the $45 I owe you. Good luck indeed. By brent, at 4:15 PM Sorry, Brent! Do you want me to see if they will let me take two guests? Where the heck have you been, anyway? I haven't seen you since K-Mack's B-Day? Every time I ask if Brent is coming, they say you have to work. Why you gotta work all the time? Think of the fabulous bender you could've been on with us! I had written off that $45 days ago. Cherry Nut By , at 4:36 PM can i get a date with T-Bone??? He is such the party person...I look for him in all your picts Dan, after I have scoped you out first of course... By , at 9:26 PM c-nut is totally wearing that dress i was eyeing at ann taylor By , at 10:34 PM Not to take the bloom off of your wild Irish rose or anything....but January is COLD in Ireland. I'm sure it's great any time of year, and certainly traveling abroad with a pack of good friends is great any time, but go in the spring and then you're talkin' jealousy. By , at 10:59 PM I love that dress! By Christine, at 10:21 AM Awesome that you're going to Ireland! Some of my fiance's family members are from there and they are the coolest people ever. Hopefully everyone down there is like that..Anyways you look very cute in your tux, I'd take you with me for a date anytime :) By NYTMARE, at 10:35 AM A poem: Dan is super cute When he wears his suit. He likes his wine glass filled And has a pleasant build. Us bloggers do agree We'd all take Dan for free On trips to Ireland- An offer none rescinds! By , at 4:12 PM Wow poems and compliments so much love! By dan, at 9:07 PM you'll be happy to know that they probably do play "love shack" in ireland. when we were there we had expected all the bars to play celtic stuff, but mostly we heard michael jackson and donna summer. it was like being in an american bar that hadn't come into this decade. as for weather, expect cold and damp. we were there in june and they were experiencing a record "heat wave" of high 60s/low 70s. people broke out their shorts for the first time since their english vacations and all the radio stations warned listeners not to stay in the sun for more than 5 minutes or "ye'll sheerly be barned!" By dgm, at 7:41 AM Yes, WHERE does C-Nut work and how do I get a job there?!!!! Geesh, I win outstanding service nods all the time and all I get is some embarassing photo stuck on the wall for a month! By , at 8:15 AM http://newmusicandmore.tripod.com/ this website features a radio dj from the u. of minn is this you? By , at 2:17 PM oh and he call it planet dan too By , at 2:17 PM Yep, that's our Dan. I'd recognize that design senseability anywhere. Look at that color, the exquisite use of marbled horizontal rules and jazzy animated gifs. Wait, the last name is wrong. But it does look exactly like something you made at the QP - don't deny it. By brent, at 4:05 PM K-Mack's boyfriend has a memorable smile. Dan, modesty is your best quality. By , at 3:03 PM So, I'm pretty much going through planetdan withdrawals. It has been 5 days since your last new post, are you too busy for your loyal readers?? By , at 6:17 PM Is planetdan in Ireland already? it has been too long since we last heard from you, planetdan. please tell us a story. By , at 11:03 PM Oh Where oh where has my little dan gone? Oh Where Oh Where can he be??? I can't get through my hum drum life without my daily connections with Dan.... I'm worried....he posted more in hawaii than he has in the last week. Please come back "Danny Boy" (an ode to your updoming Ireland trip) I hope everything is okay. By , at 2:13 PM dude... t-bone is hot... just thought you should know By sarah, at 6:05 PM < Back to Blog |
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