Saturday, April 01, 2006 :::
My sorry attempts at April Fool's pranks this year were pretty lackluster. First I planned to convince K-Mack that her car had been stolen/towed from the street in front of the house. But when I looked out the window and coyly asked "Hey, where'd your car go?" she simply walked over, and pointed. "It's right there." So maybe I could have planned that better and actually moved it before she woke up. Oh well, hindsight, etc. Then Brent called. New mark = new angle. I acted all mysterious and secretive on the phone and then I hushly whispered "Guess what? K-Mack is pregnant. She missed her period." I was expecting shock and drama on the other end of the line, or at least a properly emphasized "Oh... my... god...", but instead he just got all serious and chastised me, "You know, you really shouldn't be telling other people's secrets like that." Booo. Talk about taking the wind out of my sails. So I'm not so good at April Fooling. This list of The Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time pops up every year, and I think the Taco Liberty Bell joke is kinda funny I guess. It's not "Hey your car got towed!" funny, but it's funny. ::: posted by dan at 10:22 PM :: [ link ] :: (4) comments
4 previous comments: Dan, this article - along with your entire blog - sucks... no no just kidding - April Fool´s! I like it and enjoy your writing and humor :-p By , at 7:04 AM You should have tried the joke in person, because then you would have seen my "scared Brent face" for sure. Admittedly, I did get a little nauseous. By brent, at 9:13 AM Did your lips loose their color?? I love "Scared Brent Face". Thanks for watchin' my back B Display. By Kristina, at 2:25 PM my favorite on that website is the spaghetti tree hoax. i believed it as a kid. NO JOKE! By Honey Bunny, at 6:58 AM < Back to Blog |
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