Monday, September 11, 2006 :::
Nevar forget the free fries. ::: posted by dan at 11:06 PM :: [ link ] :: (14) comments
14 previous comments: why only medium fries? By alivicwil, at 3:47 AM In honor of our fallen heroes, please clog your arteries for free?? By , at 7:05 AM that's just wrong By , at 7:10 AM god bless america, and god bless all those brave souls who gave their lives so i could get some ROCKIN' FREE FRIES! WOO HOOOO! By melissa mcgee, at 9:14 AM How completely American... LOL By , at 9:20 AM Gotta love rural Virginia. By Laura, at 10:18 AM But were they "Freedom Fries"? By Spider, at 11:42 AM 1 life lost = $1.29 value By Elle Marie, at 1:09 PM My desk calendar says that 9/11 is "Patriot Day." We have Memorial Day and Vetrans Day already so I'm wasn't sure what Patriot Day is supposed to be about. now I know: fries. free fries (but not too many.) (True Patriots deserve onion rings.) By vespabelle, at 1:16 PM But are they Freedom Fries? By Jess, at 9:00 PM this is just tacky. Boo. By duane, at 2:47 PM Two fries stood together alone would be a more fitting tribute, surely? By , at 4:12 AM Please America, wake up!! How sad... yes you voted twice for the same criminal and yes so did we in France but only to prevent the extreme right wing... you could have chosen "Ketchup" Kerry...I know Where have the great men gone...my sincere condealances.. By , at 2:03 AM FREE DUMB FRIES! By , at 8:05 PM < Back to Blog |
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