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![]() Thursday, January 04, 2007 :::
I finally joined Netflix. I justified the added monthly expense by canceling some of my unused cable channels. I thought I would go all insane with queuing movies, but I'm actually having a hard time coming up with titles that I'd like to see. The first title sent to me was The Decent. It was the first movie ever to make me scream out loud. In the middle of the day. In a brightly sunlit living room. It really freaked my shit out. It's also the first movie to almost make me vomit. Not from gore, mind you, but from the uncomfortable claustrophobia induced by crawling through a tunnel no wider than your shoulders. If you've seen it, you know what I mean. I had to turn away. Another movie first for dan. I guess you can consider that a rave review. ![]() And now I make my Netflix queue open to the public, and open to ridicule: Dan Hearts Netflix ::: posted by dan at 6:28 PM :: [ link ] :: (24) comments ![]() ![]() ![]()
24 previous comments: Murderball. The Station Agent. I can name a few others that are really worth watching. If you want to see my list from last year with some ratings (though they may have nothing to do with what you'd watch), it's public on my blog. Come to think of it, I think you'd really enjoy the documentary "A League of Ordinary Gentlemen" or any of Melody Gilbert's documentaries (Minnesotan) - unfortunately all her stuff isn't out on Netflix, but it's getting there. By , at 7:32 PM Going through your "most hated" list and imagining your reviews of those flicks made me chuckle quite a few times. By Twinkie, at 8:23 PM didn't Dr. Erik recently post a huge list of his favorite movies??? Start there. This post made me laugh out loud, the decent did not make me scream out loud... any ideas of what will?? *whoah. There's an open ended question if I've ever heard one...* By , at 8:35 PM Welcome to Netflix Dan! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Don't worry about not filling up your queue...once you have seen a few movies and rated them, check out their recommendations. I have have seen a lot of great movies based on their recommendations alone. Go in and rate every movie you've seen that you can find on there too...and be honest! It does mean you'll have to find some time away from your Wii though! Enjoy! By , at 9:26 PM hmmm, i can think of a few things that might make you scream sarah, but they wouldn't have anything to do with movies, hehe. something to the effect of "a hard man is . . ." oh, uh, I mean a "good man", sorry! not heard of "The Decent", I might check that out. i can't access your list for some reason. oh well. By , at 9:26 PM You just joined Netflix but you've already rated 450 movies?!?!? Wow. By , at 9:44 PM I have very very much enjoyed my Netflix. I joined because of the "no late fees", but have stayed for the neverending stream of things to watch. Also, I don't have cable. Glad you jumped on the bandwagon. Amazingly you are my most similar Netflix friend(74% Mystic River 2 stars??? Really?). Ennnnnjoy! By the girl, at 12:57 AM Dan, I have to ask, was it a girly sqeal or a manly yell? Just curious. By Gwenhwyfar, at 11:15 AM dan, i totally just saw you at target. i wanted to say hello, but i was afraid you'd think that was freaky. anyway, nice jacket. By , at 3:12 PM I was totally just at Target. You shoulda said hi. What department was I in? I left emptyhanded. :( By dan, at 3:52 PM dan, can you pleeeeeeeease put up one or 2 more pics of k-mack so we donīt have to see that ugly bat-cave-demon-predator?? itīs uglyyy... and scary. iīd rather look at k-mack! or at least some new picture. By Richard, at 5:19 PM Hey! We have a 64% similarity! Murderball was the very first DVD i rented through Netflix, and it blew me away. Enjoy! As I watch movies, I keep filling up my queue, so that I always hovering between 490 and 499 movies. Damn! I;ll be watching Netflix movies until I'm 80. By , at 7:42 PM Don't say I didn't warn you. I saw this one with Craig while in Cannes a few years back (dubbed en francais, no less) and blogged immediately about Craig's embarassing fits of fear while the 99% French audience sat there with their hands folded in their laps. It was nuts. That plus the fact that I had to translate everything to him in broken French-English. "What did she say?" "She says 'ouch' there's a bloody pick in my head." By Bewareoftheblog, at 12:14 PM Ooh, I really liked that movie too (though it isn't 'Decent', it's 'Descent', with an 's' in there). It was nicely done and actually scary but not over the top. So many horror flicks are just lame. One of the worst I've seen recently is The Wicker Man with Nicolas Cage--ugh, just horrible, not the least bit scary or suspenseful. Oh, and I think it would be awesome to run into Dan in Target. "Hi Dan, you don't know me, but I'm a big fan of your blog..." Of course, I've never been to Minnesota, so the chances are slim. By , at 8:18 PM Hey, Iola, you wrote, "Ooh, I really liked that movie too (though it isn't 'Decent', it's 'Descent', with an 's' in there)." I'm guessing Dan got the spelling wrong because the movie freaked his 's' out. ;-) I can't see Dan's queue, though --- I'm being told to sign in, and I'm not a member. Oh, well - another guilty pleasure nipped in the bud. By , at 9:39 PM I love the descent... big fan of the director... check out his Dog Soldiers also www.gaire.com/limkmike By , at 3:03 AM dan, i didn't say anything to you out of fear you'd steal my cart. along with my purse, my child was strapped in there. couldn't risk it. (i was at the checkout in electronics when you walked by.) By , at 4:34 PM DAMN, I can't see your list because you already have 50 friends. DAMN!! By , at 3:02 PM You can't have more than 50 friends? Was the creator of Netflix a friendless loner in highschool or something? What the eff? By dan, at 5:10 PM I LOVE the TV series option. I am currently catching up on Veronica Mars. "Hey! That's my ally!" And yeah. I don't really buy movies anymore.... By elcynic, at 7:00 PM I just watched The Descent a few weeks ago. Ditto on the vomit. It had me tensed up. Although, I don't scream. I curse. A lot. Welcome to Netflix. It is a wonderful world. Just don't fall into the "I'm keeping this movie for 3 months cause I don't feel like watching it just yet" trap (*cough Hero cough*). That being said, I've had Citizen Kane and Superman Returns for a month now. I was on such a good roll too. By Monkey, at 8:59 PM Dan, we need the photos from your New Year's party and drunken K-Mack. Quick! ;-) By , at 7:35 AM "Sorry! Your friend can't have more than 50 friends." you should delete some people so i can be on your list!! anyhoo, if you haven't seen 2046 you HAVE TO. oh, and C.R.A.Z.Y. yeah...start with those two :) By , at 11:57 AM I came back to get your blog's URL, DanMan...then saw your post about NetFlix. Aren't they great???? I still can't believe I can have as many movies a month as I want (well, one-at-a-time, that is) for the paltry sum of $10 a month. Egads. Coincidence. I have "The Descent" lying here ready to mail back so I can get "Little Miss Sunshine". LOL Ummm, I have no "friends" at NetFlix. My {retired] life revolves around politics and animal welfare activism. Oh well. I don't have a clue as to what that means and how you get friends just like THAT. I can tell that I could very easily be the grandmother of all those who commented right here where I'm at right now. LOL OK, if you are interested in what an old broad has to say, come on over and visit my blogpage, then there's my dusty old website which I am renovating soon after 8 years of futzing around with it.....Right now I store some of my favorite blogs and/or stories over at The Mousetrap...they're too good to throw away. (It's hard to be humble) By , at 5:34 PM < Back to Blog |
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