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![]() Friday, February 16, 2007 :::
I love me some animated GIFs. There's something about the old-school technology that I find disarmingly charming. This one might be the best one I've seen so far this year: Tunnel Baby: Mind = Blown [FP] ::: posted by dan at 9:20 AM :: [ link ] :: (30) comments ![]() ![]() ![]()
30 previous comments: man, that kid's eyes. The poor thing. Looks like he just saw daddy and his golf buddy wrestling. Or the dogs... whichever. By sarah, at 10:35 AM That is soo wrong. You know the parents or whoever took that video had to do it more than once, or how else would they know the baby would react that way and record it? By , at 1:06 PM That's awesome! Thanks for the Friday funny Dan. By Trudy, at 3:29 PM I don't get it. By , at 3:47 PM Shooooot, What did you put in his bottle dan....booze? weak posting By , at 5:50 PM Woah!! By Dooce Fan!, at 9:58 AM anonymous is the lamest person on the internet. Why don't you post your real identity if you have something to say? coward. By Dooce Fan!, at 10:00 AM douche fan.....oooo you got me im a lame-o. Must be friends with the host. Last thing im afraid of is revealing myself. Im Fatty.... I was young at the time but those were the first adult words that really stuck with me. - now thats lame-o. Geek sac By , at 5:00 PM Fatty, please go away and get your own blog. This is Dan's. By Trudy, at 11:01 PM Ooo, tough guy. You can follow a link to a public website and quote off of it. Your parents must be proud that you never drowned in your own vomit. If you have something to say to me, come to my site and say it. I would have emailed that to you or commented on your blog, but since you are a coward I have no other way to contact you than to tarnish Dan's lovely page reacting to your crying. Come to my site. I'll be waiting for you lonely sad loser. By Dooce Fan!, at 11:18 AM I would rather give Nell Carter a sponge bath with a drumstick and gravy than visit your lame blog again. Answer me this--did any of your parents children survive? "dooce" bag FATTY rules! By , at 11:57 AM This post has been removed by the author. By Dooce Fan!, at 4:32 PM Just as I suspected, you won’t stop bothering Dan because you are an attention whore who is jealous of his talent and popularity. You wish you could have friends so you could leave your lonely trailer without looking like a loser. By Dooce Fan!, at 4:40 PM either your a chic or a really lame dude.....I'll admit Dan is funny but he is still really gay, or not out yet, and if you notice his blog a majority of them involve alcohol...if I looked at your blog(which would be a better sleep aide than taking a case of Lunesta)I could tell more about you than even your friends realize. FATTY By , at 6:03 PM So, Dan is a good looking guy, incredibly comfortable around women and men alike, a snappy dresser, very neat, and very creatively talented - Yeah, that all might point to him being gay. AND? Is there a problem with that? As far as the alcohol, I do not drink a drop, as I come from a family of alcoholics, so I am probably more critical than most of drinking habits of others. And I do not see any alcoholic tendencies coming from him. So he parties once in a while - he is young, and as far as we know, unattached. Again, what is the problem with that? So, just shut up already - nobody is interested in what you have to say here. Oh, and no, I am not a personal friend of Dan's, though I'd feel lucky if I were. Moving on... Dan, that Wii must be keeping you very busy! I've been waiting for some posts about your experiences with it. My husband and I were fortunate enough to find one, and we absolutely love it. A post, please! (What games are you enjoying? Is it all you thought it'd be / More / Less?) By , at 8:21 PM Aw!!! This clip made my day! What a little muffin... By , at 11:37 PM I love how the kid shakes his head, all "Woah, where I am? That totally didn't just happen." By Alisa, at 12:06 AM HAHA I could watch that AAALLLLLL day! By , at 10:29 AM Didnt that remind you of the look on Gene Wilder's face in the WIlly Wonka tunnel? Man that scene scares me. By Bewareoftheblog, at 11:27 AM Dear Fatty, Since you seem so concerned about Dan's sexuality, you might want to question your own. There's got to be a good reason you're all but stalking him. Perhaps this portion of a Kinsey report will help you understand the reason you seem to be in love with Dan. "Hostility and discrimination against homosexual individuals are well-established facts (Berrill, 1990). On occasion, these negative attitudes lead to hostile verbal and physical acts against gay individuals with little apparent motivation except a strong dislike. Although the causes of homophobia are unclear, several psychoanalytic explanations have emerged from the idea of homophobia as an anxiety-based phenomenon. One psychoanalytic explanation is that anxiety about the possibility of being or becoming a homosexual may be a major factor in homophobia. Whereas these notions are vague, psychoanalytic theories usually postulate that homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality. Psychoanalysts use the concept of repressed or latent homosexuality to explain the emotional malaise and irrational attitudes displayed by some individuals who feel guilty about their erotic interests and struggle to deny and repress homosexual impulses." By , at 8:11 PM Here's an idea...let's leave Fatty alone, let him wallow in his own ignorance, narrow-mindedness, petty, asinine B.S., let him PAY for his therapy and give Dan his blog back. Just a thought. By Trudy, at 9:41 AM Since Dan does not acknowledge his sexuality either way, then it would appear that this is not a forum that he chooses to discuss this most personal of issues. Fatty, you don’t get to be privy to this information; you are not a friend or a confidant. Isn’t it sort of juvenile to want to know if people are doin’ it? And who they are doin’ it with? Besides, who gives a rat’s ass? I’m here to have Dan enlighten me on such topics as whale penises, and white trash trailer parks and crispy looking dogs. I don’t care who Dan’s bangin’, if he’s bangin’ at all or how often he bangs. Why do you care so much? Jealous that its not you?? Who are you bangin’? Are you a closeted homosexual? Did you come out? Did you go on the world wide web and disclose this information for everyone? I’m bangin’ Kroggy. Isn’t that sooooooooo interesting? By Kristina, at 12:24 PM who's Kroggy By n8 b, at 3:47 PM yes to everything. Now lets get on with the next blog so I can add some more comments. FATTY By , at 6:07 PM FATTY adds real entertainment value to this site. I enjoy his enlightening thoughts. Go FATTY TwinkToilet By , at 7:54 PM Dan, Pleeease post something new. The tunnel kid is funny and all, but it's time to post something new, something creative, something DAN. I'll admit to a little mild curiosity about Dan's sexuality, but since he has chosen to keep that particular info to himself, I have moved on. So should we all. By , at 10:54 AM Kmack, I want to hear about you bangin’ Kroggy. Give us the details!! By , at 11:00 AM TwinkToilet is a tool. FATTY is a tool. Together, they are one tool. One and the same. Go push some kid off of the swings or something. You're an 11 year old playground bully, that's all. By , at 12:28 AM Naive Ms. jennifer I. mustn't have kids yet. Lots of things amaze babies. That's not wrong - that's sweet and funny. I recorded Junior's first brain freeze from a popsicle. We howl over that one. Not an animated gif though, - standard VHS. By , at 11:05 AM Put the pipe down and step away from the keyboard. Lame post Dan. By , at 9:50 AM < Back to Blog |
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