Tuesday, February 26, 2008 :::
When I heard about it on 30 Rock, I thought that the concept of a "Rat King" was just a clever plot device, but unfortunately Wikipedia has informed me otherwise: "Rat kings are cryptozoological phenomena said to arise when a number of rats become intertwined at their tails, which become stuck together with blood, dirt, and excrement. The animals consequently grow together while joined at the tails, which are often broken." *fingers crossed* Please be a hoax... please be a hoax... please be a hoax... ...otherwise I may have to kill myself because I don't even want there to be the slightest possibility that I could one day encounter such a disgusting writhing heap of mutated excrement-caked vermin. And to think I used to like 30 Rock. :( ::: posted by dan at 8:06 AM :: [ link ] :: (8) comments
8 previous comments: Mmmm...time for lunch! "a disgusting writhing heap of mutated excrement-caked vermin" By , at 11:05 AM just throw a bucket of water on them. works every time. By whaat?, at 3:46 PM It's a medieval cryptozoological myth. By june, at 4:09 PM just threw up a bit in my mouth By , at 4:12 PM actually it was a lot. By , at 4:12 PM I wondered why my calimari was chewier than normal last night. By Jeff, at 4:56 PM Awww....cute! I always wondered what a "rat king" was. Clearly not enough to look up the term online. I wonder if it's really true? By Kiddo78, at 9:52 AM Do you still think Ratatouille was so adorable? No! By Tracy, at 3:37 PM < Back to Blog |
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