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Thursday, April 10, 2008 :::

Smart Alek

I Tivo Jeopardy! every day because it makes me feel smart. I watch it during lunch on fast forward, which makes me feel even smarter. The other day I was catching up on previously recorded episodes when Alex Trebek walked out on stage sporting a crazy moustache that looked as if it has been drawn on with a magic marker:

Even stranger, the moustache disappeared halfway through the show. Nobody ever acknowledged the scribbly facial hair or its disappearance, so I was feeling very Twighlight-Zoney until I realized I was watching an episode that had originally aired on April 1st. I guess he got me, but I'm still confused about why they never mentioned it or referenced it after the show. Maybe they just decided the gag wasn't worth it.

On a related note: one reason why I know I am not smart enough to ever be on Jeopardy! is that I once bet my friend J-Balls $100 that it was "Alek" Trebek instead of "Alex" Trebek. I'm not normally a betting man, and I dunno what came over me but I was absolutely certain of my accuracy. Of course, I was easily proved incorrect, and I eventually paid her off in drinks, but to this day I am unsure of how I ever got the impression he was an Alek. Maybe I was thinking Smart Alek, but I doubt my own brain was even smart enough to make that leap.

Also on a related note, did you know that Alex has a dirty, filthy mouth even when it isn't covered in Crayola?

Do you kiss your mother with that, Alek? Also, remember Internet Rule #34 that states that SOMEONE is turned on by this.

::: posted by dan at 9:45 PM :: [ link ] :: (7) comments Social Bookmark Button

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Alex has quite the potty mouth. Now I just imagine him ranting, raving, & screaming at his staff like Martha Stewart.

By Blogger CampBlood, at 10:45 AM  

Dan wrote "magic marker." Dan is 33. What age is the cutoff for still using the "magic" in front of marker?

My kids remind me constantly that there's nothing magic about them. I am 44. The youngsters have never used the "magic" with marker.

I thought his name was Alec. I was wrong, too. He can rant and rave all he wants. It's hard for someone of the caliber of Alex Trebek to live amoung us morons.

- toddbee

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 AM  

I also thought his name was Alec, as in Smart apparently my brain is slow and also bad at spelling. Not related to anything, I was at Whole Foods and they now have a breakfast/nutrition bar called Cherry Nut. Dan, your nicknames are getting famous.

By Blogger Radha, at 11:42 AM  

I also say 'magic marker' (at age 38) and thought his name was alec.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:22 AM  

yes, magic is ok, as in "who put the magic marker in the dryer?" not to be confused with "who put the bullet in the furnace?"

By Blogger whaat?, at 8:34 AM  

Tink. Tink. Tink. (Snicker)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:08 PM  

I noticed that to when I was watching it! I was also wondering why he didn't even mention it.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:26 PM  

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