Sunday, June 29, 2008 :::
I dropped out of Greasy Cooter Kickball (oops! apparently that site has been "suspended", whatever that means) a few seasons ago. There's just something about playing kickball at the age of 33 that seems a little uncool. So it would seem that it would break down like this: Ages When Playing Kickball is Cool: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Ages When You Are Pushing It: 4, 5, 19, 20, 30, 31, 32 Ages When Playing Kickball is Not Cool: 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 33 - 85 I'm guessing it ain't cool after 85, either, but at least at that point you'd get to take advantage of that "old dude playing kickball" thing, which could be a nice attention-grabber. I'll let you know. As for T-bone, he's only 32 so he's still going strong, although he's riding bitch now: ::: posted by dan at 3:02 PM :: [ link ] :: (7) comments
7 previous comments: Oh come on Dan, don't be so obsessed about age and whether or not you look "cool" playing kickball. Who are you trying to impress? Have fun while your bones aren't yet creaking. And even after that, keep on going. Believe it or not, 33 is still very young. I'm 43 and past the point of caring about coolness. If I look like a dork, so be it. Everyone else can kiss my behind. By , at 10:44 PM Yeah, Dan. I'd have to say that, in this case, you are totally wrong. Playing kickball (especially on a team called the Greasy Cooters) will always be cool no matter what age you are. Frankly, just getting out of the house and getting exercise is cool. But to do it with your friends, in matching shirts?? Freaky cool. Go back. If they'll take you. By tcarole, at 1:05 AM I agree with the other commenters. Are you using your age as a cover for something else? I'm 35 and every summer I'm part of a marching band drum line. I've never has anyone question my age when I tell them what I do all summer. By , at 11:25 AM I don't even know T-bone, but that caption & picture cracked me up. He's so happy to be in the bitch position, and the driver looks like so f'in satisfied. Classic. By Rob, at 3:42 PM To clarify, when I say it "ain't cool", I mean it ain't fun. I really lost the appetite for kickball. I'll still go and watch ocassionally, and the after party is always fun, but the game itself is a real bore. By dan, at 5:28 PM That totally makes sense! BTW, I think they guy on the bike kind of looks like a cross between you and Joey Lawrence. By , at 10:49 AM http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/2008/06/02/102-childrens-games-as-adults/ By dan, at 6:21 PM < Back to Blog |
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