Friday, April 03, 2009 :::
The Internet has supplied me with a plethora of new phobias this week, including: Owls Revolving Doors Turtles (bonus related classic clip that will never get old) Julia Roberts And nature, in general: ::: posted by dan at 12:34 PM :: [ link ] :: (11) comments
11 previous comments: Those owls must have picked up their skills from watching humans at the local Golden Corral buffet? I can't get enough of the Julia clip. Sheer and utter brilliance. I am enjoying randomly sending just that link to friends, with no explanation. By Joy, at 2:40 PM you've been warned. http://www.nataliedee.com/040107/eat-a-bitch.jpg By sarah, at 3:45 PM Stone cold, no less! By dan, at 8:51 PM WTF is happening with that revolving door? It makes no sense. My first time posting a comment and my captcha was "retar". =\ By , at 2:54 AM dan, are you by any chance an avid redditor? :) By , at 3:30 PM I am not, but I have many sources. By dan, at 5:24 PM where did you get those crocodile photos? By , at 11:43 AM I found them on a user forum that I frequent, but it had no credit attributed to it. I'm not sure where it came from unfortunately. By dan, at 4:25 PM Dan...I used to frequent (stalk?) your site regularly and decided to pop back in for a visit. I must put you back in my rotation! You make me laugh...and cringe..and then turn back wanting more. That's a gift! By DizzyDes, at 6:42 PM OK, that Julia Roberts gif scared the hell out of me! By CampBlood, at 10:06 AM A pigeon-eating turtle! We could use a lot more of those. Do you suppose there's a version that eats geese? By , at 8:29 PM < Back to Blog |
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