Wednesday, April 01, 2009 :::
I haven't had much time to post lately because I was too busy celebrating my birthday. I managed to make the celebration last two full weeks this year, with a seemingly endless string of dinners, desserts, parties, cakes, happy hours, presents, etc. You might ask why I didn't take a full month to celebrate - and I would congratulate you for asking such a great question - but the answer is: because I'm a giving person. You see, I have friends who also have birthdays in March, and I don't want to be a complete attention hog. The two-week limit was self-imposed entirely out of selflessness. But here are a few photographic highlights of my birthday weeks: ::: posted by dan at 11:14 PM :: [ link ] :: (4) comments
4 previous comments: There is so much sweater vest action! By sarah, at 3:42 PM I'm bringing back the sweater vest without shame. I own it. By dan, at 8:52 PM HAPPY BIRF DAY DAN! You still got it, buddy. By anne, at 2:40 PM Ummm, I think T-bone is a little tired of your birthday celebration Dan. By , at 5:10 PM < Back to Blog |
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