Monday, July 27, 2009 :::
While I was out canoeing with some friends last weekend, someone snapped this picture of me moments before a head-on collision with a barrier wall, which happened to be the only obstacle to avoid within an abundance of open water, as I frantically splashed my oar in the wrong direction in an attempt to avoid said collision, while tightly buckled into my extremely uncomfortable and over-sized life preserver in less than two feet of water. That's how I roll. Of course, the person taking the picture was supposed to be the person navigating us away from barrier walls and the like, so I'm not going to take all the blame. ::: posted by dan at 7:43 AM :: [ link ] :: (1) comments
1 previous comments: If you ever come down to South Carolina, I have to introduce you to my friend Bruce. I swear you two have to be related. By Michelle, at 8:30 PM < Back to Blog |
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